You're A Bridesmaid - So Start Acting Like One!

How to Choose the Best Wedding Reception Songs

Posted by Lindsay Thibeault

Dec 9, 2013 4:00:17 PM

Music - a big part of the big wedding day. Maybe you've already decided if you want to choose a DJ or a wedding band, but how do you know what songs to pick?best wedding reception songs

The idea is to have a good balance. You want songs that people will dance to and appreciate, and you also want songs that mean something to your relationship. And not just the relationship between the newlyweds. You also want songs that relate to friendship and family. 

Steps to Picking the Best Wedding Reception Songs

Follow these steps as you begin to start thinking of the songs you want at your wedding. The idea is to have somewhat of a list prepared for your DJ or band. Understand that all songs might not be played, but that gives lots of room for guests to request songs. (If you are nervous of what some people might request and you want a little more control over the music, don't allow song requests!)

  1. Draft a list of both of your favorite songs
    Start from your childhood and work your way up to today. List out those songs that you loved jamming out to with your siblings, ones that remind you of your grandparents, or those special songs that remind you of each other. When you've drafted a list, with each other's requests, label what type of music each song is and if it's fast or slow. That will give you an idea of if you have a good balance. Keep this list going because all of these song won't come to you instantly. Also be sure to rank those songs that are most important to you.

  2. Consult with your DJ or band
    They are the music experts! If you've started drafting a list, provide it to them so they now know your style and what you are looking for. Don't expect them to have or to be able to play every single song that's on your list. If you've been ranking the songs, they will at least be able to play all of your favorites. Let them provide some ideas as well. They do these types of events all the time, so they know those must-have songs and ones you should avoid.

  3. Ask family and friends
    It's nice to get some feedback from those that know you well. They might remember a few different songs that you forgot about, or will also help narrow down your list. Remember you want them to be on the dance floor too! A fun idea is to include a song option section on your wedding invites for guests to fill out. This can spark some ideas of your own and help build that list. Just don't guarantee them that they will hear there song! (We can't assume everyone has good music taste - ha!)

  4. Create a do-not-play list
    This is a must! The last thing you want is to hear a song that you hate or a song that reminds you of something negative. Make sure to create a list of all those songs that you do not want to hear. That way, if you are allowing people to put in song requests, you can avoid listening to that dreaded song.  


You're on your way to have one rocking party. Just remember, as long as you love the music and get onto the dance floor yourself, you'll have a great time!


photo credit: payalnic via photopin cc


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This blog is for those who have the honor of being a bridesmaid. It won't be easy. Take it from me - a bridesmaid of several weddings and counting. It's your time to step up and I'm going to tell you just how to do so! 

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