You're A Bridesmaid - So Start Acting Like One!

The Best Ideas for Wedding Reception Entrances

Posted by Lindsay Thibeault

Dec 1, 2013 5:43:04 PM

The ceremony is over and even more fun is about to begin. All of the guests are patiently awaiting for the bridal party to make their big entrance. Now, the idea isn't to just walk in, flash a smile, and give a wave. You are the bridal party! You've got to set the tone for the evening and you have to show everyone that you are ready for a good time. wedding reception entrance

That's why it is crucial to have a plan for your entrance for the wedding reception. This is true for both the newleyweds and their bridal party.

It's understandable that you're feeling a lot of pressure, but as long as you're having fun that's all that matters.

A List of Ideas to Get the Dance Party Started

First things first, you need to have some great music to walk out to. This decision is made by the bride and groom - and don't complain! They picked this song for a reason, so have fun with it and try to somehow make it your own. 

  • Pair up! To walk in, you'll probably be paired up with someone from the other side of the wedding party or do a group entrance. Either one is great, just don't walk in by yourself. It's a great way to meet the other people that are also part of the wedding.
  • Use props and get creative. Props are a great way to turn a simple entrance into something fun. Find some goofy glasses, wear a wig, or make your own prop. These accessories can really help those that aren't comfortable with doing a crazy dance. 
  • Start a trademark move. It's fun to get a little bit competitive for those that are doing their own entrances. Think out of the box and something that only you would do. Here are a few awesome ideas that you can try to make your own:
    • Do the leap frog
    • Use a jacket and run in like a bull
    • Score a touchdown by having someone throw a bridesmaid's bouquet 
    • Wheelbarrow in 
    • Create your own dance move!
  • Do a group number.  This will be quite the time commitment. If you really want to nail this, you'll probably need to get the group together and practice. Be prepared to not have everyone on board. You can try to convince them with the ideal spot - in the back and not front and center. 

We'll have to leave you with one of the best CEREMONY enterances of all time! 



photo credit: johnhope14 via photopin cc


Topics: Wedding

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This blog is for those who have the honor of being a bridesmaid. It won't be easy. Take it from me - a bridesmaid of several weddings and counting. It's your time to step up and I'm going to tell you just how to do so! 

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