You're A Bridesmaid - So Start Acting Like One!

Sample Maid of Honor Speeches: A Collection of Our Favorites

Posted by Lindsay Thibeault

Dec 2, 2013 11:33:00 AM

maid of honor speechesLucky you! You're the maid of honor (or MOH). You know what that means - speech, speech! 

Take the time to prepare what you are going to say. This needs to be well thought out and have a good balance. Write it out if you need to or if you feel comfortable, you can always wing it! Remember that there is nothing wrong with reading off a piece of paper or note cards. 

A piece of advice, when you are writing your speech, count how many times you say/write "I" or "we". It's important to make this speech personal, but it should really be about the bride and her new marriage. Guests won't understand your inside jokes, and those can always be saved for a private card to the bride.


A Few of Our Favorite MOH Speeches

Just to get some ideas going, here are a few of our favorite maid of honor speeches and why we love them!  


Why we love it: It's very different than any other speech. Simple and sweet. She starts off mentioning a few personal memories that they've had together but then brings it back to the new marriage that they are now celebrating. Not only that, but she uses numbers to symbalize their future together. A bonus: she bought the couple a lottery ticket with those numbers on it. Not only thoughtful, but if they don't win they can always frame that lotto ticket. 



Why we love it: Isn't it obvious? This takes the cake for creativy. This speech/song/rap must have taken a lot of time to prepare, but it's perfect. Not only is it a fun way to give a speech, but it gets the crowd into it and still stays true to what the speech should be like. Think we can hire her for our weddings?



photo credit: eschipul via photopin cc


About Bride Brigade

This blog is for those who have the honor of being a bridesmaid. It won't be easy. Take it from me - a bridesmaid of several weddings and counting. It's your time to step up and I'm going to tell you just how to do so! 

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