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Candy Bar: A Great Idea for a Bridal Shower Favor

Posted by Lindsay Thibeault

Nov 13, 2013 2:00:00 PM

bridal shower favorBridal showers need a lot of planning. You need to find a place, plan the food, determine which drinks to serve, and think about having a gift that guests can leave with. When you are deciding on what guest gifts to provide, you want to make sure it's something that they will take home with them. You also don't want to go over budget in this area either. 

There are several different options out there, but one clever idea is having a candy bar. A candy bar allows the bridal shower guests to create their own goody bag and also satisfying their sweet tooth. 

The candy bar can have some classics or you can get create and even bake your own candy. 

What You Need to Build a Candy Bar

The look and the feel of a candy bar is up to you! Here are a few suggestions to make sure that your candy bar looks complete.

Set a Color Scheme

It's fun to pick candy and treats that tie into the theme of the bridal shower or the color scheme of the bride-to-be's wedding. This can also help you streamline which candy to be purchasing. 

Purchase Candy 

You need candy to have a candy bar. Pick some of the bride-to-be's favorites. You probably know of different convenient and grocery stores that you can go to, but that can get expensive when buying in bulk. When you are buying candy, keep in mind the amount of guests you should be expecting at the bridal shower. If you are expecting a decent crowd, we recommend checking out a few online candy stores that can help you buy in bulk and also find some specialty candy. Here are a few of our favorites:

Make Your Own Treats

Buying candy might be easy, but creating your own treats can be fun and much less expensive. Think of some classic cookie or biscotti recipes that you can bake to help aid to the different kind of sweets that are part of the candy bar. One of our favorite ideas is creating meringues. This might sound intimiating but they are extremely inexpensive and easy to make. Here is one of our favorite recipes for meringues cookies. A big bonus of this treat is that you can use food coloring to have it be the color of your scheme and you can make them in shapes too. 

Don't Forget The Bags and Labels

Now that you've collected all of these goodies, you'll need a way that the shower guests can transport these treats. Make sure you also save budget to get bags. The bags don't have to be fancy and there are several places that you can purchase these. Parties stores usually have a great selection or other online stores will have ones that fit exactly what you are looking for. You can go as basic as a plain white bag or even a bag that could be reusable

Labels are another idea that is in expensive but can take your favor bags to the next level. Tap into your creative side and create labels that you can put on the bag. These labels could be the initals of the bride-to-be, the happy couple, or even a photo. You can find bags that can be printed or customized, but one of our favorite options is to do it yourself. There are templates that you can easily print at home and look like you paid a fortune. Check it out - even Martha Stewart labels are available! Aren't they fabulous? 

Also, along the lines of labels, make sure to put labels on the candy, so guests know what everything is!


You now have a few ideas and can create your very own custom candy bar. Do you have any other ideas for great bridal shower favors? Let us know in the comments!


Topics: Bridal Shower, Bridal Duties

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